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Squelch1's Shop

Average Rating3.80
(based on 64 reviews)

I provide a wide range of resources for use in the classroom and around school. My resources build on children's learning and consider the smaller steps children need to take to achieve the learning. My resources have a focus on 'mastery' style questions where possible, to develop children's critical thinking and reasoning skills. As a practicing primary teacher myself, I know how essential it is to have well organised lesson resources with engaging activities that focus on the learning.




I provide a wide range of resources for use in the classroom and around school. My resources build on children's learning and consider the smaller steps children need to take to achieve the learning. My resources have a focus on 'mastery' style questions where possible, to develop children's critical thinking and reasoning skills. As a practicing primary teacher myself, I know how essential it is to have well organised lesson resources with engaging activities that focus on the learning.
KS2 SpaG test on fronted adverbials

KS2 SpaG test on fronted adverbials

SPaG test focusing explicitly on fronted adverbials. Mark scheme included. Assesses: What a fronted adverbial is. What a fronted adverbial describes Punctuation Linking fronted adverbials to sentences Writing fronted adverbials.


39 speaking parts, approximtely 15 non-speaking parts plus dance troupe and choir - these can be edited to suit your school. Lasts approximately 45 minutes. Ideal for KS2. Option for inserting your own song choices - I began with some well loved Chistmas carols and then used more traditions Christmas hymns/carols throughout the play script. This really warmed the hearts of our audiences and even brought a tear to some eyes! Quite a traditional play script as written for a C of E primary, but without being too dry. Opportunity to personalise some parts to your school too. Very easy to follow. Everyone can get involved and have a great time!
End of Year 4 SPaG Test

End of Year 4 SPaG Test

27 mark SPaG test for the end of year 4. Answer paper and mark paper included. The test covers: Writing and punctuating fronted adverbials Correct use of being/been Converting indirect/reported speech into direct speech Some year 4 spellings verbs Choosing appropriate co-ordinating conjunctions Correcting tense Correct use of were/where/we're Determiners Using subordinating conjuncitons and writing a subordinate clause.
Report Comments for KS2 - Male and female versions for all subjects for 2014 curriculum.

Report Comments for KS2 - Male and female versions for all subjects for 2014 curriculum.

Lower, middle and higher, male and female versions of report comments for all subjects: Used for y4/5 but could easily be edited for y3/6. Very easy to use and edit, the key parts to edit are highlighted in red on the document (e.g. name, topic). The comments can then be made personal for your pupils with ease. Contents page for easy navigation. Below is a list of subjects and an example of a comment: Mathematics (including target) Writing (including target) Reading (including target) Science (including target) Computing (including target) P.E. (including target) History Geography Art/ Design Technology Modern Foreign Languages Music R.E. Example: [NAME] has demonstrated persistence throughout the year by learning a range of number facts and in particular, times tables. He now needs to learn all the times tables up to 12x12 and be able to recall these rapidly. [NAME] has been able to apply his knowledge of number facts to using formal written methods for calculations for all four operations. He is developing confidence with applying these to problem solving and becoming more fluent with this. [NAME] has enthusiastically explored all areas of mathematics. Pleasingly, [NAME] is developing in confidence in explaining and reasoning mathematical concepts within small groups and during classroom discussions. Target: [NAME] should continue to practise times tables to become more rapid and fluent with these. He should also continue to practise using written methods for calculations.
KS2 Online Safety - Online Gaming Communication

KS2 Online Safety - Online Gaming Communication

We are learning to understand the dangers of communicating on online gaming. Lesson plan, PowerPoint and link to video to hook children and make learning relevant and real to them. Lots of deep thinking questions to encourage children to consider how they communicate in games; when it is and is not ok to communicate in games. Touches on online bullying and teaches children to block or report abuse. Focus on what personal information is and not sharing this in the online world. Choice of follow up task. Plenary provides opportunity for peer assessment. My class were absolutely hooked on this lesson and had fantastic discussions. They went home being much more aware of how to keep themselves safe when gaming.
End of School Quiz For Summer 2016

End of School Quiz For Summer 2016

10 Round Quiz (80 questions) with certificates for each round and overall winner. Round 1 - Weird and Wacky News (True or False) Round 2 - Sports Round 3 - Celebrities Round 4 - Britain's Got Talent Round 5 - In the News Round 6 - Films Round 7 - General Knowledge Round 8 - Geography and the Environment Round 9 - Making History Round 10 - Photo Gallery. Questions are engaging for children (KS2 or KS3). Questions cover a range of topics, from celebrities of interest to children, to events that are happening in the world at the moment that children should know about. A great opportunity for all the class to get involved and shine! There is: A quiz PowerPoint PowerPoint with answers Certificates (for each category and an overall winner) Answer sheets for children to write on.
Direct Speech - SPaG (4 lessons, range of activities and peer assessment - sport themed)

Direct Speech - SPaG (4 lessons, range of activities and peer assessment - sport themed)

4 lesson PowerPoint. Lessons 1-3 have 3 differentiated work sheets each. Lessons are generally 'sports' themed to engage and motivate boys, as well as girls. The lessons develop and build upon children knowledge of using direct speech in their writing. Each lesson initially recaps children's learning from the day before, prior to building upon it. Lesson 1 - We are learning to identify and correct punctuation in direct speech. 3 differentiated follow up tasks included. Lesson 2- We are learning to turn speech bubbles into direct speech. 3 differentiated follow up tasks included. Lesson 3 - We are learning to choose verbs to describe how something is said. 3 differentiated follow up tasks included. Lesson 4 - We are learning to use direct speech. Mixed ability, group task included, with 8 scenarios for children to turn into speech/ conversations after being read aloud by members of their group. Peer assessment included as part of lesson 4. If you only have a short period of time for SPaG, there is enough material to cover 8 sessions as each lesson PowerPoint has practise activities on it too. The tasks could be used on the following day. Cross-curricular link - lessons also encourage children to be good team players/good sports.
Y4 States of Matter Science Unit Plan (7 lessons, planning, resources and assessment)

Y4 States of Matter Science Unit Plan (7 lessons, planning, resources and assessment)

Everything you need to teach a States of Matter science topic for a half term. 7 lessons, including planning, PowerPoints and resources. Mastery questions included throughout. Plus an end of topic assessment paper and answer paper. Lesson plans and PowerPoints are explicit and easy to follow. Where equipment is needed for experiments, equipment lists are provided on the lesson plans and PowerPoints. There are also step by step guides for completing the experiments on the PowerPoints. All lessons have 3 differentiated follow-up tasks. Most are provided, the rest are on the PowerPoints. All lessons have an interesting starter, either a brain-teaser mastery style question or a zoomed in photograph to identify (that is relevant to the topic). Lessons recap, revisit and build upon children's prior knowledge. The repetition during the recapping sections of the lessons are great for supporting children with retaining information. Throughout the lessons, there are thought provoking 'mastery' style questions, to encourage children to reason and explain. There are opportunities for peer assessment. We are learning to's include: to compare and group materials; to identify states of matter and their properties; to investigate freezing and melting/ to conduct a fair test; to observe when different materials change state when heated or cooled; to understand an irreversible change; to identify evaporation and condensation in the water cycle; to explain the processes of evaporation and condensation. Opportunity to develop science skills is also covered. Links to 2014 National Curriculum is made clear on each lesson plan. Some activities are linked to an Ancient Greek topic through hooks, letters and instructions (not all lessons), however this could be VERY easily adapted to another topic. All images have been taken from: http://search.creativecommons.org/ where no attribution is required.
Y4 Living Things and Their Habitats Science Unit Plan(6 lessons, planning, resources and assessment)

Y4 Living Things and Their Habitats Science Unit Plan(6 lessons, planning, resources and assessment)

Everything you need to teach a Living Things and Their Habitats science topic for a half term. 6 lessons, including planning, PowerPoints and resources. Mastery questions included throughout to develop children's critical thinking and scientific reasoning skills. Also there is an end of topic assessment paper and answer paper. Some lessons may take 2 or more session as they have more than one learning activity or an outdoor learning activity prior to the main learning task. Lots of opportunities for out door learning - in the school grounds or locality. Lesson plans and PowerPoints are explicit and easy to follow. Where equipment is needed for experiments, equipment lists are provided on the lesson plans, although you will also need any bug hunting equipment that your school has. All lessons have 3 differentiated follow-up tasks, with supporting resources. Most are provided, the rest are explained on the PowerPoints. There are also some opportunities for mixed ability paired/ small group work. All lessons have an interesting starter, either 'who am I' or a 'fact or fiction' fact about living things - again to develop children's critical thinking skills, scientific reasoning and explanations. Lessons recap, revisit and build upon children's prior knowledge. The repetition during the recapping sections of the lessons are great for supporting children with retaining information. Throughout the lessons, there are thought provoking 'mastery' style questions, to encourage children to think critically, reason and explain. There are opportunities for peer assessment. We are learning to's include: to classify living things; to identify and name living things; to use a classification key to identify vertebrates and invertebrates; to use a classification key to identify the 5 vertebrate groups; to identify invertebrate groups in their own habitat; to understand how environments change and the dangers this can cause for wildlife. Opportunity to develop science skills is also covered. Links to 2014 National Curriculum are made clear on each lesson plan. Cross-curricular links are also made. All images have been taken from: http://search.creativecommons.org/ where no attribution is required.
End of Unit Assessment - Y4 Living things and their habitats

End of Unit Assessment - Y4 Living things and their habitats

End of unit science assessment for Y4 'Living things and their habitats' topic . A range of questions from basic recall to data analysis and reasoning/explanations, to suit all abilities of learner. 22 questions over 4 pages. Total marks - 43 Mark scheme provided for answers. Ideal for finishing off the series of 'Living things and their habitats' lessons. Ideal practise for if children later do the KS2 science sampling SATs.
Self Assessment and Peer Assessment

Self Assessment and Peer Assessment

Self and Peer assessment forms to encourage children to critically consider the learning that they or their partner has achieved and give praise for these by identifying what has gone well. Children also become more aware of the presentation of their work. Encourages children to think about giving constructive feedback to themselves or a peer and set a target to work toward next time. Children are much more engaged in remembering and responding to such targets. Can be edited to include specific learning objectives or success criteria, hence this resource can be used for any lesson. Helps you identify what children really know about their learning and how well they are doing. A great edition to children's books to for book scrutiny or inspections, particularly in line with the 2014 curriculum. Could support your marking, cutting down the time you spend on marking. Used very effectively across KS2 and has really improved children's thinking about their own work. They no longer finish work and never look back over it again. It has really started children talking about their work. For less able children, a class discussion before hand about what learning may look like and possible targets to set has been helpful.
Year 4 SPaG Test - one for every half term.

Year 4 SPaG Test - one for every half term.

Y4 SPaG tests. Total of 6 tests and 6 answer sheets. Tests are written for the 2014 curriculum for year 4 and get progressively harder throughout the year. The tests assess children on: Nouns/ pronouns/ proper nouns Adverbs/verbs Adjectives Expanded noun phrases Fronted adverbials and use of commas Direct/indirect speech Some Y4 spellings Homophones Past/present/future tense verbs Correct use of tense in a sentence Determiners (articles) Use of Standard English Correct use of there/their/they're/been/being/too/to/two Co-ordinating conjunctions Subordinating conjunctions/subordinate clauses Plus more!
Understanding Remembrance Day and the poppy - 2 lessons

Understanding Remembrance Day and the poppy - 2 lessons

Two lessons to help children understand remembrance day. One lesson focuses on remembrance day itself, the other on the significance of the poppy - and the different types of poppy available today. Both lessons are detailed and end in a choice of learning tasks. The lessons are well researched and informative.
Computing / ICT Assessment Targets Y3 and Y4 (2014 Curriculum)

Computing / ICT Assessment Targets Y3 and Y4 (2014 Curriculum)

Statements to help you with assessing children against the 2014 Computing Curriculum, or with setting targets. There are separate documents for years 3 and 4, which break down the learning and help to show progress between year groups. As the assessment grids help identify learning for children in each year group, they can also be used to guide planning, again to ensure progress between year groups.
Reading comprehension pictures/questions

Reading comprehension pictures/questions

A series of 20 images to develop children's reading comprehension skills. Each image has at least two questions, particularly aimed at developing children's inference skills, justifying from using evidence in the pictures and broadening vocabulary. These images are great to use a a starter to activity and really improve the comprehension skills of readers of ALL abilities. This pack is based around a topic for the Romans.
Computing / ICT Assessment Targets Y5 and Y6 (2014 Curriculum)

Computing / ICT Assessment Targets Y5 and Y6 (2014 Curriculum)

Statements to help you with assessing children against the 2014 Computing Curriculum, or with setting targets. There are separate documents for years 5 and 6, which break down the learning and help to show progress between year groups. As the assessment grids help identify learning for children in each year group, they can also be used to guide planning, again to ensure progress between year groups.
Y6 E-Safety/Online Safety Scheme of Work

Y6 E-Safety/Online Safety Scheme of Work

A comprehensive scheme of work for children in year 6 to follow. Clear teaching points, mastery questions and suggested resources/activities. Links to 2014 Primary National Curriculum. 3 main areas of learning: e-awareness, online communication and searching the internet. Very clear and easy to plan from to help children progress in this area and stay safe on the internet at school and at home.
Upper KS2 Online Safety Scheme of Work

Upper KS2 Online Safety Scheme of Work

Get your school ahead of the game with lessons in online safety. A comprehensive scheme of work for children in years five and six to follow. Clear teaching points, mastery questions and suggested resources/activities. Links to 2014 Primary National Curriculum. 3 main areas of learning: e-awareness, online communication and searching the internet. Very clear and easy to plan from to help children progress in this area and stay safe on the internet at school and at home.
E-Safety scheme of work for Y2

E-Safety scheme of work for Y2

A comprehensive scheme of work for children in year 2 to follow. Clear teaching points, mastery questions and suggested resources. Links to 2014 Primary National Curriculum. 3 main areas of learning: e-awareness, online communication and searching the internet. Very clear and easy to plan from to help children progress in this area and stay safe on the internet at school and at home.
E-Safety Scheme of Work for Y1

E-Safety Scheme of Work for Y1

A comprehensive scheme of work for children in year 1 to follow. Clear teaching points, mastery questions and suggested resources. Links to 2014 Primary National Curriculum. 3 main areas of learning: e-awareness, online communication and searching the internet. Very clear and easy to plan from to help children progress in this area and stay safe on the internet at school and at home.